Tuesday, November 9, 2010


October might just be one of my favorite months of the year. I mean, yes it's my birthday month (&& Ryan's), but it's not the main reason why I love this month. I think it's the combination of everything. The holiday season begins, handmade projects, birthdays, carving pumpkins, and of course fall! Though this sickness of mine doesn't want to leave me, I'm not holding back from enjoying the time of year. For my birthday, Ryan was such a sweetheart and surprised me by taking off really early from work and took me to Disneyland! Also bought me a pass. I have been meaning to renew my pass for several months now. It was a surprise that made me feel like I was a happy little 8 yr old girl again.

Then, I ended my birthday with carving pumpkins and blowing out a candle at a friend's house.

A couple years ago I carved and painted my pumpkin to look like Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Then this year I carved a skeleton on my pumpkin.

You could say that I like skeletons..

The weekend of Halloween Ryan and I decided to make our costumes for the 2nd year in a row. Last year we made Octopus costumes out of sweaters...

This year we made Dinosaur costumes out of cardboard boxes from Ryan's shop...

I have an artistic/creative partner, and together we can make some pretty sweet costumes.


  1. I'm in love with this dinosaur costume! After you do an amazing job teaching the fashion class, I'm going to tell the relief society that you're going to teach costume making :)

  2. Thanks Brittany! psshhh no you don't! If you tell the relief society I am so dragging you into teaching it with me. Just a little pay back :)

    JK. I was really happy I taught the class with you. I hope the young women learned something, even though we are amateurs.

  3. Ha I love the picture of you on the bike in your costume! How fun that you went to Disneyland. I also love fall, and am excited to see you next week!

  4. I am very very excited to see you next week as well! It will be so nice to spend Thanksgiving with the Waldron's :)
