Tuesday, April 5, 2011

the knot

The other day I was flipping through a wedding magazine called The Knot Southern California spring/summer 2011. For obvious reasons I have been going through wedding magazines lately, and to my surprise I was casually looking through this magazine and noticed a picture/ad that looked familiar. I honestly felt like I had a moment of not thinking and just looking. Just as I was about to turn the page I realized that it was a picture of me!!! So in December 2009 I did a bridal photo-shoot for a photographer Huey Bui. Long story short, the pictures were taken at The Waterfront Hilton Resort (where I work) and the Hilton decided they wanted to use the pictures of me to advertise for their wedding events at their resort.

I am actually in a wedding magazine, so crazy!! Interestingly enough I happen to come across this as I am getting ready to get married myself. Funny how things happen. Here is ME in a magazine!

Here are some shots from the photoshoot that are more clear to see.


  1. You knooowww...I could easily photo shop me in there and we could call these our wedding photos here in a few months...save some money...perfect

  2. You have a good point. Try it out and tell me how they look. We could save hundreds of dollars that could go to a plan ticket.

  3. Ha thats pretty cool. I especially like the last one. It will be fun to see your pictures in a few months with your dress (and husband!)

  4. sooo beautiful! thats so funny how you found out! haha miss you lady!
